Hi! I wished I had another blog post in me that wasn't an update post, but between dev work and game work (!!!) I've found myself pretty preoccupied as of late. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get to hear my asinine thoughts on random crap soon.
So! Here's what I was up to this February:
slime feet
slime feet, the acclaimed visual novel by Nadia Nova, is getting a Steam release! I actually helped code some features in the original version, and I came back to help Nadia port the game over to an executable suitable for Steam. If you haven't played it already please do so, and go wishlist it on Steam. The game will be free on Steam as well.
I took a little trip to Seville with Foto! We went to a q gays concert and had a great time.
The Plaza de EspaƱa... it's pretty. Apparently they filmed a Star Wars movie here(?) Sorry I don't know anything about that crap. As you can tell though I love foto very much. <3
We ate at a nice Korean restaurant... where we live Korean food isn't easy to come by (this was Foto's first time having it, in fact), so this was quite nice!
The concert was pretty fun... I got quite tired by the end though, so we had some much-needed post-gig grub.
We stayed in a random hostel and it was actually pretty nice... For some reason the buffet breakfast was really good. Maybe there's some part of me that likes living in an institution? Takako from SeaBed coded. Also the adjacent building was swarming with kitties, my goodness.
Downtown Seville
Walking around downtown was nice. The cathedral of Seville is apparently the largest one in the world but you can't really go inside... seems like there was a lot of construction. Ah well.
Tuga Humiliation
Okay any place in DOWNTOWN SEVILLE advertising itself as a Lisbon Nata factory must be like the most insane tourist trap ever, I know. However I was forced to buy one anyway as a form of penance for my heritage... Well... It wasn't that expensive and it wasn't that bad, at least...
It was a great trip! I felt like we saw a lot in only a few days. Seville is nice and it was easy to get around.
Still reading this with Gwen and if you can believe it, we're over halfway through this thing (reading Act 6 now)!
I think we're approaching the point where I stopped keeping up with it originally, so that's exciting. It's funny to see how much stuff I remember and half remember... man, this thing was so long ago.
Around Act 5 things really start to get interesting, and it really does come into its own as a coming of age story. There are fewer jokes cutting through the emotionally resonant bits (although those are still there - not sure if they've truly become less common or if I've just gotten used to Hussie's particular brand of bullshit). I'm curious to see what the rest of it will be like.
Something's coming. I've got some newfound inspiration.
Okay, short update this month, but I'll see you next time!